View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Monday 26 October 2015

Home of the cold..

Had an extremely busy weekend.  We didn't go out Friday night, we stayed in, ate some home made Taco fries (only thing we cheated on, were the frozen McCain Fries)..tried my own taco spice mix..and it tasted really good!  We also watched the hockey game..which they sadly lost.  Saturday morning, my husband dropped Pea and I off at her dance class, and he dropped Hailey off at her Nana & Papa's and then he dropped our car off at a dealership to get work done onto it.  Pea did SO good at dance, and she did so much more, compared to her previous classes.  She at first wasn't in the mood to participate..just walking around following the teachers, then got really into it, 15 minutes later.

After dance class, we then waited for her daddy & Papa to come pick us up, where we afterwards went to get Hailey, and leave Pea at Nana & Papa's for a sleepover.  We waited around there for our car to finish up, and then we dropped Hailey off at her Lolo & Lola's for a sleepover as well.  We then rushed home to get ready to go watch the Bomber game.  Which..they sadly lost.  Was a really close game too, so glad we picked that game to watch.


After the Bomber game, we rushed home again to get ready for a Halloween Social..
Hubby was Batman, and I was Harley Quinn!  I had a wardrobe malfunction, which lucky for me, happened at home.. the issue I had with my costume was that the top fit perfectly..but the bottoms weren't stretchy, so they were a tad tight around my booty.  So when I was adjusting my pants, the belt loop ripped right off..which I guess was I sign that I shouldn't be wearing it.  Plus, anytime I walked, or sat down, the elastic would just slide right down my booty.  I ended up wearing a pair of black leggings, and just wore the velcro belt sitting on my hips.  It turned out okay anyhow.  My hubby doesn't "act" excited, I knew he was, but a random girl who happened to be dressed as cat woman had her mom as if she could take a picture of the two of them..which happened while I was in the bathroom.  There were SO many really great costumes at this social, so I'm glad we made the effort to dress up!

Yesterday, we ended up waking up early (looks like we are programmed that way, whether the kids are home or not), and did what we needed at home, and rushed over to Denny's for breakfast..since I was STARVING!
I had their Holiday Skillet..which was SO filling..

Hubby had his usual breakfast.. eggs, ham, sausage, shredded hash browns, pancakes AND toast.. he ate it all..
After that, we picked up Pea, and went over to my parents house for the day.  Ate and watch football and the hockey game again.. which they WON!!  It was pretty exciting..woot!

Today, we all woke up with colds, and Pea has it THE I have a really good feeling I won't have any time on my plate to get any workouts in.. need to be there for my babies, when they need me..I feel so bad for them.  These are the times where I wish I could just take the pain away from them..

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