View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Wednesday 21 October 2015

I've decided..

To take today off of P90X.. Not sure if I went too hard last night, or if it was something I ate.. but I've had a pretty bad stomach ache since last night.. so I've been up at least 4 times last night.. and I've been already feeling exhausted the past week.. today isn't any better.  So, no matter how badly I wanted to push through it, and just do my workout, like I'd normally do.. I think I'm going to listen to my exhausted and hurting body, and take a break.  Even though today would be my last workout for the week.. I feel it's best.. BLAH!

I actually feel a little disappointed that I'm even considering not doing my workout.. but I'm afraid of what state my body will be in after Kenpo X.

Aside from that depressing part of my blog.. yesterday was fun.  My husband goes to a church I used to attend, every Tuesday to play basketball.  This church has a gym in it, and one of my older cousins has had the gym booked (not sure if it's technically), since I can even remember!  They used to play volleyball a loooooong time ago.. but they've switch to basketball maybe 5-6 years ago.  Anyhow, I go there with the girls, so they can stretch their little legs, and be away from home.  My sister goes as well, with her daughter, while her husband plays ball.  Halfway through ball last night, more of my cousins came, with more kids!  There was nothing dangerous on the stage, to give me a heart attack, so they were able to play and run freely!  It was refreshing!

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