View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Saturday 17 October 2015

Day 16 (P90X)

Today was PLYO day!  Yikes.. it's so killer..and I struggled the first 2 times I did it.  Today, I felt better about it.  I still had to mix up the cardio based and the modified version of it, 'cause I'm just not there yet.. but I was able to do more of the moves, that I struggled with before.  Like, the Rockstar jump, that I've mentioned before.. I was impressed that I was even able to get both feet off the ground.  I'd say, my favourite moves, are the frog squats, and the lateral frog squats.

If you want a more cardio based workout..Plyo is a fun was to get your leg workouts in.. your heart racing, and full body motion.  And on the plus side, it gets you in shape, so you're able to participate in different sports, if you wanted ;)

Now, I forgot to mention before.. actually, I have mentioned before..that the first phase requires 50% of your daily macros should be protein..and 30% carbs, and 20% fat.  Now, to be honest.. I sometimes cheat.. if you've heard of IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros), I plan out my meals so that I can enjoy the same food the rest of my family eats.. so I don't eat clean, but I do try to stay on track.  And I wouldn't be able to complete my daily macro goals, if it weren't for the Whey Protein supplement we take.  It's super expensive for our budget, but my hubby allowed it this time..but we bought Whey protein from costco that has 35g of protein per you bet I take 2 scoops after a workout.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to eat that many foods with high protein, and meet my macro goals.  I'm still a noob when it comes to this stuff..but I learn more and more everyday.

My muscles are really thanking me for it anyhow.. I've compared my day 2 pictures, with my day 15 pictures..and I noticed a change, that I wouldn't notice from just looking at myself in the mirror.  I'm glad I started on this P90X journey.  Even if it's at home, on my own.. and I have to admit.. I don't exactly own the copy I have.. but I was able to get it literally.. it's as good as it's going to get for this SAHM!

One more point I want to make, is I spend less time staring at pictures of myself from 2 years ago, and from my teen years feeling sorry for myself.  I'm getting back to the shape that makes me happy..and I feel good about myself as a whole.  My mind is clear from all (well, I won't exaggerate, I still have some bad days, let's say those, "PMS" days *wink*wink*) the negativity that used to fill my head.  And instead of feeling jealousy towards other people I used to envy, I now admire and appreciate the hard work the people have to endure to get them to where they're at now.


  1. Replies
    1. Didn't realize you can reply!! Sneaky :-) I don't even think about it too much anymore.. I just do it now, as a habit :-D
