View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Day 8 (P90X)

Okay, so remember how I said I felt like I cheated yesterday, when all I did was stretch, and I wish I did a full on workout.. well I take that back!  I'm definitely feeling it all right now, and it was a lot of movement, including lunges, with added curls, kickbacks and shoulder press..all in one rep!  There were also movements called..the banana..the boat..the superman.. the list goes on!

I was a little disappointed with my girls, during the last 20 minutes of my workout..they made it more difficult to focus, and to want to continue.  But, as always..I endured it to the end.

Anyways, I'm not feeling myself today.  But I did my workout anyway, and I'm glad I did.  I would've regretted it if I hadn't.

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