View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Thursday 29 October 2015

Gooooood morning to me..

It's not even lunch time, and these girls are just so amusing this morning.  We usually sleep in, since the girls have been sick.. but we got woken up to street work, just after 8AM..and I went to use the bathroom, girls door is still slightly shut and dark.. but I listened carefully, and I heard their little voices, just having a random conversation.  Thought it was cute..  then I made their breakfast, lately it's been instant oatmeal..'cause it's easy.  I'm not a morning person, so instant anything is my best friend.  As I was making it, the girls start running out of the kitchen, screaming.. "ahhhh!!  The cows are gonna get us!!  AhhhhhH!" ..then, I give the oatmeal to the girls, and Peyton tries it.. and goes, "YUUM!  It tastes SO GOOD!" in the most valleyest voice, you can imagine on my Sweet PEA.  Then I gave them hot chocolate to drink.. and again.. "hot chocolate??  Yuuum!  How did you make that, Mommy??" ..again, in a super valley voice.

Just thought I'd blog this, before I forget.. :)

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