View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Sunday 4 October 2015

Day 6 (P90X)

Well!  Today was fun.. As I have mentioned before, every Sunday, we go to my parents house to spend the day with them.  But, I wasn't going to let that stop me from my P90X!

Today's workout had me doing all sorts of jabs, blocks, and kicking!  Seriously, so fun..I barely noticed the amount of sweat I made!  I thought for sure, my kids would be doing this with me..but they'd tire out after a few reps, and found something else to do.

It was a change from what the program had me doing, it was pretty sweet, being able to practice my jabs and kicks.. I felt like a fighter..Ha..Ha.

As for the eating part..I didn't do TOO bad..although my fav, Pumpkin Spiced Latte, put me waaay over my carbs for the day.  And normally, my dads cooking would have me eating 5 meals in total..yeah.  YIKES!  I stuck to my plan, and stay well below my fat, but didn't quite make my protein...wehh.

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