View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Day 9 (P90X)

Oops!  So I got caught up with just following the order of the videos I had, I forgot to follow the schedule!! I wasn't supposed to do yesterday's workout, I was actually start back from the beginning, and I didn't realize I was supposed to do the Ab Ripper X as well, after some of my workouts.. so I skipped out on a weeks worth of abs!  Yikes.. well, I did Day 2's video today, which was Plyometrics.  I didn't find it as hard as I did in week 1.  Which is progress..but it's still was pretty difficult.  What I have the most trouble with, is the high knee tucks, and the "Rockstar Jumps", actually, I forgot what it was called, but we had to jump and pretty to strum an electric guitar.  I still do the movement, but I alter it, so I still feel a burn, but I don't wear out too quick.  I'm hoping I get there eventually.

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