View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Saturday 7 November 2015

Pea's Dance solo.. and update!

So, I am no longer a stay at home mommy, as I have started working full-time last Friday!  Hooray!  Although, I will not have much time for my babies, which believe me.. I cried A LOT.. nothing means more to me, than seeing my babies grow up.  I don't like missing a THING.  And I love being the centre of attention when it comes to both my daughters eyes.. but, I do need to help my hubby out, so a mommy's gotta' do, what a mommy's gotta do.  It's taking too long to get to where we'd like to be.. and when the opportunity came up, and I got a job offer.. I didn't hesitate to go and take it.  Too many signs were leading up to that moment.  Anyhow!  Here is today's dance solo, one and only.. SWEET PEA! <3

Thursday 5 November 2015

Back to reality..

Today is my last day being at home with the girls..and it's hitting me HARD.  I'm a super suck when it comes to family, or even more, my own kids.  I would give anything to stay at home with them, and watch them grow into beautiful little girls.. but since being a SAHM isn't a paying job, I need to go make some money, and help my hubby out.. at this rate, it would take us a few more years to move out of this apartment.. and I'd like it to happen a lot sooner.. so when my old boss contacted me and offered me a job.. I didn't hesitate to take it.  All the other jobs I applied for didn't even give me an interview, except for one.  And at the job I'm going back into, I didn't apply for, or even need to get an interview.. so I took it as a sign.

Earlier, I held my babies tight, and let the tears flow.  I didn't think it would be that hard for me to realize how much time will be taken away from them.. I will definitely appreciate being with them more so, then I used too, 'cause let's face it.. staying home and doing all the chores and raising kids, is NOT easy, and it is totally draining.  So there are definitely days where I'm too zoned out to enjoy being with them, and what over-tired mommy doesn't snap, when their child/children is repeatedly says, "Mommmy..!" ..every minute or so?!

Wednesday 4 November 2015

There's always a rainbow, after a storm..

So I've completely stopped my P90X journey, with sick kids, a sick mommy, and letting stress get the best of me, I had a rough week or so.  But I'm getting my act together, got a job offer at my old job, and finally getting myself checked out at the Dr's.. I hate the Dr's, by the way.  I've only gone regularly, for my babies.

So, I start working this Friday.. I am excited, but at the same time, sad.. since I won't be spending as much time with my babies.. and I know most working parents don't.. but I've been a stay at home mom for over 3 years straight.. and although it's been the most tiring 3 years of my life.. I am surely going to miss it.

Friday 30 October 2015

Girls night out!

So, for some reason..I've been really down lately.. mostly at random times.  Haven't been like this in a long time, and not sure exactly what's going on with my body, but it's been affecting my mood, and I've been really tired a lot.  Anyway, today was all planned out, and very slowly, things just started falling apart, and I was having a mental breakdown.  I hate breaking down infront of my girls, but they also find a way to take care of me, and cheer me up.

I had cleaned most of the apartment up the other day, and started working on a project for tomorrow (throwing a little Halloween party, for my daughters and EXCITED btw!), and things just kept happening during this project, that was making me want to give up.  Anyhow, Hailey helped out, and was being a good girl, while her Ate, was forced to nap.. she took a long time to fall asleep, and Hailey ended up waking her up 20 minutes after she fell asleep.  Anyway, I started to get ready to go out, and started getting Hailey ready.. we were to do some last minute running around for specific ingredients, and then go out to eat as a family, at Asia City.  WELL, a half hour before my husband was supposed to be off work, he tells me that he needs to stay at work.  Of course, I got upset, my day wasn't going as smoothly as I'd liked, and then I find this out.. so whatever.. I dealt with it, still got everyone ready, and then I get another phone call, finding out he doesn't know when he would be done, and that he will pick me and the girls up from home, drop him off at work, and suggested I just take the girls out..which I did.  Even though these girls were a HUGE handful, their giggles made me forget about my anxiety, and all the overwhelming feelings I'd get..
Peyton insisted on having noodles, when I told her I wasn't going to order any.. so I ordered a dish, JUST for her.. which I am now munching on (all her leftovers)..
The kids preferred this instead, which I was originally going to order two of.. wish I did!  They ate most of my protein, and my kanin!
After a few stores, we ended up at Superstore (at a location I am not a fan of..super busy!), here's a video of the girls while I was waiting at self checkout.  Felt bad for the one lady there.. EVERYONE was expecting her to help them first.. not in the order her handheld device was telling her to do..sheesh.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Gooooood morning to me..

It's not even lunch time, and these girls are just so amusing this morning.  We usually sleep in, since the girls have been sick.. but we got woken up to street work, just after 8AM..and I went to use the bathroom, girls door is still slightly shut and dark.. but I listened carefully, and I heard their little voices, just having a random conversation.  Thought it was cute..  then I made their breakfast, lately it's been instant oatmeal..'cause it's easy.  I'm not a morning person, so instant anything is my best friend.  As I was making it, the girls start running out of the kitchen, screaming.. "ahhhh!!  The cows are gonna get us!!  AhhhhhH!" ..then, I give the oatmeal to the girls, and Peyton tries it.. and goes, "YUUM!  It tastes SO GOOD!" in the most valleyest voice, you can imagine on my Sweet PEA.  Then I gave them hot chocolate to drink.. and again.. "hot chocolate??  Yuuum!  How did you make that, Mommy??" ..again, in a super valley voice.

Just thought I'd blog this, before I forget.. :)

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Pumpkin Carving!

So since the weekend, Peyton's been very sick, and I thought for sure that Hailey would be super sick too by now.  But, Peyton's almost better, just a lot of dry coughing.  And Hailey, with a sniffly noes!  The past few weeks, we were supposed to let the girls choose a large pumpkin from the store, that they could clear out and help choose the design to carve onto it.. but things kept coming up, and we would literally forget as we did our groceries.  Then, the last week, I just told my husband to just go pick up a pumpkin, which again, he would forget.. so luckily, my brother-in-laws girlfriend happened to get pumpkins for the girls..and we were supposed to come over and have the girls do pumpkins at their Nana & Papa's, and we were going to do a large one of our own at home (I thought.. lucky girls!).. but since they've been sick all week, I didn't think we would be able to come over at all, and we were struggling to remember to grab a dang pumpkin!  So my mother-in-law told my husband we should just pick up the girls pumpkins from their house, so here we are today!  Girls waited all day to get started!  I gave them a few choices.. Disney cartoon characters.. Jets logos, or something spooky.. and Hailey yelled, "JETS"!!, and Peyton yelled out, "SOMETHING SPOOOOOoOOKY"!!.  So as I was making the templates, I started with Hailey's first, and I guess Pea liked it, so she said.. "mommy, I want the Jets too!".. so I ended up doing so, and added a little bat :)
Here's a few pictures of them scraping out all the seeds..and as you can see, Princess Pea wasn't too happy with messy hands..
She eventually got over it.. as you can now see how happy she is!
Look at ALL the seeds, these 2 little pumpkins produced!
Here are the templates I made for the pumpkins..

I thought this one would be difficult to do.. but it was more time consuming, than anything..
This one, on the other hand was difficult!  Thought I was going to screw it up!

Here are the finished pumpkins!

Monday 26 October 2015

Home of the cold..

Had an extremely busy weekend.  We didn't go out Friday night, we stayed in, ate some home made Taco fries (only thing we cheated on, were the frozen McCain Fries)..tried my own taco spice mix..and it tasted really good!  We also watched the hockey game..which they sadly lost.  Saturday morning, my husband dropped Pea and I off at her dance class, and he dropped Hailey off at her Nana & Papa's and then he dropped our car off at a dealership to get work done onto it.  Pea did SO good at dance, and she did so much more, compared to her previous classes.  She at first wasn't in the mood to participate..just walking around following the teachers, then got really into it, 15 minutes later.

After dance class, we then waited for her daddy & Papa to come pick us up, where we afterwards went to get Hailey, and leave Pea at Nana & Papa's for a sleepover.  We waited around there for our car to finish up, and then we dropped Hailey off at her Lolo & Lola's for a sleepover as well.  We then rushed home to get ready to go watch the Bomber game.  Which..they sadly lost.  Was a really close game too, so glad we picked that game to watch.


After the Bomber game, we rushed home again to get ready for a Halloween Social..
Hubby was Batman, and I was Harley Quinn!  I had a wardrobe malfunction, which lucky for me, happened at home.. the issue I had with my costume was that the top fit perfectly..but the bottoms weren't stretchy, so they were a tad tight around my booty.  So when I was adjusting my pants, the belt loop ripped right off..which I guess was I sign that I shouldn't be wearing it.  Plus, anytime I walked, or sat down, the elastic would just slide right down my booty.  I ended up wearing a pair of black leggings, and just wore the velcro belt sitting on my hips.  It turned out okay anyhow.  My hubby doesn't "act" excited, I knew he was, but a random girl who happened to be dressed as cat woman had her mom as if she could take a picture of the two of them..which happened while I was in the bathroom.  There were SO many really great costumes at this social, so I'm glad we made the effort to dress up!

Yesterday, we ended up waking up early (looks like we are programmed that way, whether the kids are home or not), and did what we needed at home, and rushed over to Denny's for breakfast..since I was STARVING!
I had their Holiday Skillet..which was SO filling..

Hubby had his usual breakfast.. eggs, ham, sausage, shredded hash browns, pancakes AND toast.. he ate it all..
After that, we picked up Pea, and went over to my parents house for the day.  Ate and watch football and the hockey game again.. which they WON!!  It was pretty exciting..woot!

Today, we all woke up with colds, and Pea has it THE I have a really good feeling I won't have any time on my plate to get any workouts in.. need to be there for my babies, when they need me..I feel so bad for them.  These are the times where I wish I could just take the pain away from them..

Friday 23 October 2015

Sorry, not sorry..

So hard not to be a debby downer.  So hard to constantly be felt like a total joke.  I'm too sensitive lately, and I can't handle it.  All I do is cry.. whether it's from a super happy moment on tv, or something super sad or sappy on tv.  If someone says something mean to me, I'm crying inside.. UGH!  I hate when I'm down like this.  It doesn't happen often.. but when it does.. I just can't handle being treated this way everyday..

End vent.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Day 20 (P90X)

Feeling so down lately, and always tired, wanting to stay in bed..and just sleep.  But mommy duties are a let's face it.. that's never going to happen.  Life doesn't stop, just because I want to hit the pause button, and sleep for an entire week.

Anyway, I really didn't want to, but I did my workout that I wasn't feeling to good to do the other day.. Kenpo X.  The first half, I kinda just did it.. not much effort into it, and I was still sweating like crazy.  Then during a break, if pulled something in my shoulder..and I think that was something telling me to stop slacking.  I was about to start the X jumping jacks, and as I was swinging my right arm up, something pulled..and hurt really badly.  I didn't let that stop me though, I picked up the slack, while stretching out that shoulder as much as I could, and holding my arm up, and eventually, the feeling went away.

I did it, got the workout out of the way, and I get a real day off tomorrow.. and I'm hoping I have enough time over the weekend to do my 4th week of workouts.. we will see though.

Even though I don't have many viewers, reading my blog.. this really is just a good way for me to vent, or just talk about myself.  No one seems interested when I attempt to talk about myself..and when that rare moment does come, where someone asks about me, I either freeze up and say something random, and then stop.. or someone cuts me off and starts talking about themselves again.

Being a stay at home mom, I don't have anyone to talk to, except for my babies, who have no clue what I would be talking about, and it would be pretty inappropriate to worry their little minds, with adult stuff.

But, hopefully I get off of this train of depression, and find my happiness soon!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

I've decided..

To take today off of P90X.. Not sure if I went too hard last night, or if it was something I ate.. but I've had a pretty bad stomach ache since last night.. so I've been up at least 4 times last night.. and I've been already feeling exhausted the past week.. today isn't any better.  So, no matter how badly I wanted to push through it, and just do my workout, like I'd normally do.. I think I'm going to listen to my exhausted and hurting body, and take a break.  Even though today would be my last workout for the week.. I feel it's best.. BLAH!

I actually feel a little disappointed that I'm even considering not doing my workout.. but I'm afraid of what state my body will be in after Kenpo X.

Aside from that depressing part of my blog.. yesterday was fun.  My husband goes to a church I used to attend, every Tuesday to play basketball.  This church has a gym in it, and one of my older cousins has had the gym booked (not sure if it's technically), since I can even remember!  They used to play volleyball a loooooong time ago.. but they've switch to basketball maybe 5-6 years ago.  Anyhow, I go there with the girls, so they can stretch their little legs, and be away from home.  My sister goes as well, with her daughter, while her husband plays ball.  Halfway through ball last night, more of my cousins came, with more kids!  There was nothing dangerous on the stage, to give me a heart attack, so they were able to play and run freely!  It was refreshing!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Day 19 (P90X) & other things..

Woke up with a pretty bad stomach ache, had it since last night.. must be from all the crappy food I've snacked on all weekend.. my bad.  I got my workout done early today..even though, I literally did NOT want to do it at all today.  But, I made a commitment, and I'm sticking through it.. until I hit my goal body weight, which is 130lbs (that's how much I weighed 2 years ago, and I thought..YES!  Time to slack.. wrong.. I very slowly gained it all back.  Snacked on bad food.. I didn't portion out my meals properly, and I quit doing HIIT..which was how I lost weight so fast, along with weight this is long..OOPS).

ANYWAYS, today's workout was Legs & Back, followed with an Ab Ripper X workout.  Considering how much I didn't want to work out, I've head the most sweat dripping from my body in a while.. I had sweat dripping into my eyes.  When it comes to leg, lunges are my enemy.  Any there were a lot.. I guess what I should've been doing, for anyone who was curious..was list out all the different workouts.. this will only take a second to google it..heheh.


01 LEGs - Balanced Lunges
02 LEGs - Calf-Raise squats
03 BACK - Reverse Grip Chin-Ups
04 LEGs - super skaters
05 LEGs - Wall squats
06 BACK - Wide Front Pull-Ups
07 LEGs - step Back Lunge
08 LEGs - Alternating side Lunge
09 BACK - Closed Grip Overhead Pull-Ups 10 LEGs - single-Leg Wall squat
11 LEGs - Deadlift squats
12 BACK - switch Grip Pull-Ups

(switch every 2 reps)
13 LEGs - Three-Way Lunge
14 LEGs - sneaky Lunge
15 BACK - Reverse Grip Chin-Ups 16 LEGs - Chair salutations
17 LEGs - Toe-Roll Iso Lunge
18 BACK - Wide Front Pull-Ups 19 LEGs - Groucho Walk

Toes Out
20 LEGs - Calf Raises Feet Parallel

Toes In
21 BACK - Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups

22 LEGs - 80/20 siebers-speed squats 23 BACK - switch Grip Pull-Ups


01 IN & OUTs Target - 25
02 sEATED BICYCLEs Target - 25
03 REvERsE BICYCLEs Target - 25
04 sEATED CRUNChY FROGs Target - 25
05 CROssED LEG/WIDE LEG sIT-UPs Target - 25
06 FIFER sCIssORs Target - 25
07 hIP ROCK ’N’ RAIsE Target - 25
08 PULsE-UPs (hEELs TO hEAvEN) Target - 25
09 ROLL-UP/ v-UP COMBOs Target - 25
10 OBLIqUE v-UPs Target - 25
11 LEG CLIMBs Target - 25
12 MAsON (KAYAK) TWIsT Target - 25

So, I took this off the worksheet, deleted whatever you don't need.. (wasn't able to do it for ab ripper..maybe just too lazy..hah) but this is what today looked like!  While I'm at it, I'll list out the other 5 days of workouts I've done as well!.. It looks scary..but it's awesome..

DAY 1 - CHEST & BACK (Follow with Ab Ripper X)

01 ChEsT - standard Push-Ups 02 BACK - Wide Front Pull-Ups 03 ChEsT - Military Push-Ups
04 BACK - Reverse Grip Chin-Ups

05 ChEsT - Wide Fly Push-Ups
06 BACK - Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups 07 ChEsT - Decline Push-Ups
08 BACK - heavy Pants

09 ChEsT - Diamond Push-Ups
10 BACK - Lawnmowers
11 ChEsT - Dive-Bomber Push-Ups 12 BACK - Back Flys

13 BACK - Wide Front Pull-Ups 14 ChEsT - standard Push-Ups 15 BACK - Reverse Grip Chin-Ups 16 ChEsT - Military Push-Ups
17 BACK - Closed Grip Overhand Pull-Ups 18 ChEsT - Wide Fly Push-Ups
19 BACK - heavy Pants
20 ChEsT - Decline Push-Ups

21 BACK - Lawnmowers
22 ChEsT - Diamond Push-Ups
23 BACK - Back Flys
24 ChEsT - Dive-Bomber Push-Ups

DAY 2 - PLYOMETRICS (Found this off another blog, deleted description)
Jump Squats for 30 seconds
Run Stance Squats for 30 seconds
Airborne Heismans for 30 seconds
Swing Kicks for 60 seconds
Squat Reach Jumps for 30 seconds
Run Stance Squat Switch Pick Ups for 30 seconds
Double Airborne Heismans for 30 seconds
Circle Run for 60 seconds
Jump Knee Tucks for 30 seconds
Mary Katherine Lunges for 30 seconds
Leapfrog Squats for 30 seconds
Twist Combos for 60 seconds
Rock Star Hops for 30 seconds
Gap Jumps for 30 seconds
Squat Jacks for 30 seconds
Military Marches for 60 seconds
Run Squat 180 Jump Switches for 30 seconds
Lateral Leapfrog Squats
Monster Truck Tire Jumps fro 30 seconds
Hot Foot Jumps for 60 seconds
Pitch & Catch for 60 seconds
Jump Shots for 60 seconds
Football Hero for 60 seconds 
REPEAT ALL (Didn't note the get it tho, right?)

DAY 3 -  SHOULDERS & ARMS (Don't forget Ab Ripper X afterwards)
1 – Alternating shoulder presses
2 – In and out bicep curls
3 – Two arm tricep kickbacks
4 – Deep swimmers presses
5 – Full supination concentration curls
6 – Chair dips
7 – Upright rows
8 – Static arm curls
9 – Flip grip twist tricep kickbacks
10 – Two angle shoulder flys
11 – Crouching cohen curls
12 – Lying down tricep extensions
Then repeat # 1 – 12

  • Runner’s Pose
  • Crescent Pose
  • Warrior One
  • Warrior Two
  • Reverse Warrior
  • Triangle Pose
  • Twisting Triangle
  • Chair to Twisting Chair (Prayer Twist)
  • Right-Angle Pose to Extended Right-Angle Pose & Grab
  • Prayer twist from Runner’s Pose to Side Arm Balance
  • Warrior Three to Standing Splits
  • Half Moon to Twisting Half Moon
  • Tree
  • Royal Dancer
  • Standing Leg Extension
  • Crane (Pre-Handstand)
  • Seated Spinal Stretch
  • Cat Stretch
  • Frog
  • Bridge or Wheel
  • Plough into Shoulder Stand with Leg Variations into Plough
  • Table
  • Cobbler Pose
  • One-Legged Hamstring Stretch into Two-Legged Hamstring Stretch
  • Touch the Sky
  • Boat
  • Half Boat
  • Scissor
  • Torso Twist Hold
  • Deep Torso Twist Hold
  • Touch the Sky
(Already listed day 5, so I'll skip it..)

DAY 6 - KENPO X (Just took this off another blog..)
Warm Up
Round 1: Twist & Pivot, Twist & Pivot with Hook & Uppercut, Jabs, Jab/Cross, Jab/Cross/Hook, Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
Cardio “Break”
Round 2: Step Drag/High-Low Punch, Jab/Cross Switch, Hook/Uppercut Switch, Knee Kick, Ball Kick
Cardio “Break”
Round 3: Side Kick, Back Kick, 3 Direction Kick, Side Lunge/High Sword-Low Hammer, Step Drag-Claw/Low Punch
Cardio “Break”
Round 4: High Block, Inward Block, Outward Block, Downward Block, Star Block
Cardio “Break”
Round 5: Front Shuffle-High Block/Low Punch, Knee Kick/Back Kick, Front & Back Knuckles/Ball Kick/Back Kick, Hook/Uppercut/Low Side Kick, Elbow Series, Vertical Punches

I won't list Day 7, since it's either Stretch X or a rest day..  Looking at all of the things you need to do, just makes it looks scary.  But if you just go ahead and just do it.. it's REALLY not that bad.. especially if you pace yourself, feed your body well..and takes the breaks you need, when you need it.

Today's blog ended up longer than I thought it would.. all this gloomy and cold whether is putting a damper on my mood.  Could possibly be the lack of sleep.. but I won't let it stop my workouts from happening..and I NEED to fight all my cravings.. AHH!