View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Day 2 (P90X)

Second day of the P90X program..and seriously, I wanted to quit 20 minutes into it!!  I happened to be in the middle of it, when my husband was texting me (his lunch break is at 11:30AM everyday)..and I was not a nice person.  I was definitely kicking myself, because I was having such a hard time.  But, I didn't give up and I pushed through.  "Do your best, and forget the rest.." is their motto..and it helps!  I will definitely be feeling this tomorrow..I woke up this morning, not being able to lift my arms, and shoulders, back, and chest were aching!

We stopped buying protein supplements, but considering the alterations I had to make to my daily macros.. first phase is required 50%P, 30%C and 20%F (P=protein, C=carbs, and F=fat).. and it is nearly impossible to eat that much protein without any supplement!!  Otherwise..PLEASE tell me everything and anything I can eat with high protein, and low fat :)

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Day 1

Well, today I will be officially tracking my food again & testing out P90X.  I had gotten the entire program a while back, and had forgotten all about it.  I constantly try working out, and then let all the excuses of being a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) get the best of me.  I keep reminding myself how I made my goal weight, quickly after Hailey was born..and constantly compare my current self, to then..and put myself many times!

So.. here I go again!

My shoulders are killing me!  Great first day.. hope I can stick it out for the other 89 days to follow!!

Monday 28 September 2015

A little late..

Okay, so here is a video of what Pea's first day of class looked like!  This will be the last video I will be sharing, since it'll be a spoiler if they start learning things for their dance recital!  I will however share my favourite photos!


So, every Sunday, we make an effort to visit my family for most of the day.. since my mom works night shifts, weekends are the only days to visit, and Sunday is when we normally visit family, anyway!  Anyhow, while there..I decided to load, "The Visit" onto my laptop..and I literally said.. we're watching it, and nobody has a choice..HAH (or something close to that..I was WAY excited).  All I can say to that movie is...what the?!  It definitely is a creepy movie..and it literally gets creepier as it gets deeper into the story.  By the end of it.. I didn't know what to do with myself, I was so creeped out.  I wouldn't say it was scary or anything..although, I won't lie!  There were a number of scenes that made me jump outta' my panties, and let out a scream or two.  Overall, (aside from the creep-factor) I liked the movie.  I guess I like creepy movies.. HAH..

Sunday 27 September 2015

Pea's 2nd Day at Dance!

Welllll.. Pea had her second dance class yesterday, and she was ADORABLE!  I had helped her during the week, and had her practice some of the moves I noticed she couldn't do at the time.. I could tell she was excited, and proud that she was able to dance with the class.. she also got lost in her own world..spinning, and spinning....and spinning.  I'm SO proud of my Sweet PEA!  I'd say she was the cutest little girl there..but you know, a mother is always biased when it comes between their own children and other children..ha..haa.

On the other hand, Hailey did much better sitting with us, during her Ate's (older sister's) class.  I cannot wait to register her next year..hopefully she will have broken out of her shell!

Anyhow, here is another video of Pea at her dance class..

Friday 25 September 2015

Sweet Pea's First Day of dance (last Saturday)

I am sharing a video of my baby girl, with her dance class.. so cute!
She was excited, and very nervous for her first day.  She wanted to make new friends, and give a good first impression.  She did VERY well, although you can tell how shy she was.. she kept her hands clasped together, holding them politely on her tummy..and she followed the teachers everywhere they went.  Although, she didn't do every move they were teaching them to do..she participated in the more important activities..and she was ADORABLE!

Starting fresh!

Wow!  Has it really been that long since I've blogged??  Last posts I read, I was still pregnant with my first child.  Now we have 2 beautiful daughters, and have moved 3 times since then!  I'm working on figuring this stuff out again, but I will soon post or share most of my daily activities here.. hooray!