View of Utah at the top of a mountain

View of Utah at the top of a mountain

Monday 28 September 2015


So, every Sunday, we make an effort to visit my family for most of the day.. since my mom works night shifts, weekends are the only days to visit, and Sunday is when we normally visit family, anyway!  Anyhow, while there..I decided to load, "The Visit" onto my laptop..and I literally said.. we're watching it, and nobody has a choice..HAH (or something close to that..I was WAY excited).  All I can say to that movie is...what the?!  It definitely is a creepy movie..and it literally gets creepier as it gets deeper into the story.  By the end of it.. I didn't know what to do with myself, I was so creeped out.  I wouldn't say it was scary or anything..although, I won't lie!  There were a number of scenes that made me jump outta' my panties, and let out a scream or two.  Overall, (aside from the creep-factor) I liked the movie.  I guess I like creepy movies.. HAH..

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